This blog started back in 2008 shortly after my son Jacob (aka the little chicken wing) was born 16 weeks premature as a way of keeping friends, family and co-workers up to date on his condition.
Jacob was born at 24w5d on March 23, 2008 weighing 1 lb 7 oz and was 11.5 inches long. He spent 116 long days in the NICU before coming home 10 days after his due date on July 17, 2008.
While in the NICU, he faced many obstacles including a PDA, Apnea of Prematurity, Jaundice, Retinopathy of Prematurity, Laser Eye Surgery, Pneumonia, BPD/CLD, Anemia, multiple blood transfusions, Rickets, a VSD, Hydronephrosis and much more.
As far as 24 weekers go, Jacob has done remarkably well and came home without the assistance of oxygen, medications or monitors. Jacob received services through the Early Intervention program before transitioning to preschool when he was three years old. He currently receives speech therapy and wears glasses for his farsightedness.