We celebrated by having a small, Wonder Pets theme party yesterday with both of our families. We decided to have big, elaborate parties for the first birthday and smaller, family parties for subsequent birthdays. Our kids don't need 20 presents (they definitely don't need anymore toys!) and I am sure the last thing that people without small children want to do on a Saturday afternoon is spend time attending a children's birthday party! There were plenty of meltdowns to go around. With both sets of parents, siblings, spouses and cousins we ended up having about 15 people including a visit from our neighbors the Pipers!
When people called and asked what they could get him, I suggested things for outdoor use since the weather is starting to get nice and we will be outside more often. He received so many cool presents. He got a water table, a beginner soccer goal and ball (I am going to train him young!), LOTS of beach toys, bubbles, etc. When it was time for cake, I put the cake right in front of him so we could sing "Happy Birthday". I accidentally put it a little too close to him and he reached out and grabbed two fistfuls of cake and proceeded to shove them in his face. For some reason, when we gave him his own piece of cake he decided it would be a good idea to smash it on his tray and then face plant into the frosting. That should explain the following pictures for your enjoyment:
Ming Ming Duckling (or Ning Ning if you ask Jacob)
Was I not supposed to do that?
Who me?!
Can't forget the little, baby girl
Also, you may have noticed that my blogging skills have been less than stellar lately. I have been working on transferring all of my entries from Caring Bridge over to Blogger. I have most of them copied, but not published so that is why there have been no posts in over a month. I am almost done with the transfer and then I will publish them. If you follow me or subscribe, I am not sure if you will receive notifications for all these backdated posts so if you do please disregard! The reason I am doing this is because I want this blog to be a useful resource for others who may be experiencing premature birth or have a 24 weeker themselves and having all of the information in one place is more convenient than referring people to two separate sites.
Happy birthday Jacob!!! You've come a long way buddy. Love the pictures... cake is good stuff!